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Timeline for Freshman

Freshman Year

  • Meet with your counselor to review your Four-Year Plan.
  • Get involved in high school activities.
  • Find out where the College and Career Center is
    located and spend some time there, getting acquainted
    with resources and thinking about what appeals to you

8 Ways to be a Successful 9th Grader:

  1. Get acquainted with your counselor and don’t be afraid to ask him/her anything.
  2. Join something. Join a club; try out for a sport; sign up for marching band, chorus or color guard. This will help you find friends who share your interests.
  3. Don’t change yourself to fit in. Be yourself and you will eventually find students who share your same interests.
  4. Be prepared for situations that might happen. Think about what you will do or say if someone offers you a cigarette, alcohol or drugs.
  5. Stay connected to your parent(s). They seem old fashioned, out of touch, and not cool, but they’ve already been where you are. Most important – they care about you!
  6. Expect that you will have to work hard. Nothing worthwhile comes easy.
  7. Keep yourself balanced. You need to have time for fun and time for work.
  8. If you run into a problem, talk to your counselor. Your friends may not always give you the best advice.