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Baruch College Campus High School Posts

Toby Nussbaum Jewish Heritage-NY 2018 Writing Contest

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Application Deadline: April 30, 2018

Event: June 2018

Contact: Marcy Fishman/212-983-4800; ext.142

This annual contest is open to all NYC public school students in grades 4-12 and this year’s theme is, Bayit: Home, Family, and Community. Students are asked to write a poem or essay relating the theme to their personal histories, as well as the experiences of Jews and other religious, ethnic, and cultural groups in New York and America. First place winners receive $500, second place winners receive $300, and third place winners receive $150. Hon. Marco Carrión, Commissioner of the NYC Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit, will host the award ceremony for the winning students at City Hall. Honorees’ families, teachers, and principals are invited to attend. Click here for more information and to apply

Congratulations, BCCHS has a Big Apple Teacher Finalist!

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The Big Apple Awards Review Committee would like to offer our congratulations on your teacher, Angela Oldenburg, being selected as a 2018 Big Apple Awards finalist. We greatly enjoyed reviewing their application materials and learning about how they are thoughtfully contributing to the success of New York City’s students and schools. Our Review Committee was very impressed reading about the ways that your teacher’s instructional strategies have contributed to students’ academic success.

Out of more than 4,500 nominated teachers, fewer than 250 teachers citywide will be advancing to the Finalist Round – roughly five per district. This is a great accomplishment for both this outstanding educator and your school community.

BCCHS is recognized by NY State as a Reward School!

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In May 2017, your school was identified as a  Reward School under state accountability rules defined by the New York State Education Department (NYSED)’s last renewed Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) waiver.

Congratulations!  Your school has been re-identified as a Reward School for the 2017-18 school year based on data from 2016-17.

More detailed information on NYSED’s school accountability designation methodology for 2017-18 is available on the web here.