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Spotlight on Restorative Practices & Staff Development

Posted in General

Ms. Rhetta Barron is the Restorative Practices Coordinator at BCCHS. Restorative Practices are ways of pro-actively developing relationships and community, and repairing community when conflict or harm arises through the use of advisory circles, peer mediation, and disciplinary procedures focusing on accountability and restitution rather than punishment.

Dr. Laura Rigolosi is a Staff Developer at BCCHS.
Dr. Rigolosi taught English at BCCHS from 1999-2003, and then began mentoring and coaching NYCDOE teachers while earning her doctorate in English at Columbia’s Teachers College in 2015.

Once a week Dr. Rigolosi comes to BCCHS and and helps teachers hone their instruction by helping them create engaging, relevant lessons that are rooted in research. She works with individual teachers, teams of teachers, facilitates the after school professional learning, and leads workshops for teachers on increasing their classroom literacy practices.

“I honestly look forward to coming to Baruch every Monday. The teachers, administrators and guidance counselors are dedicated to being the best educators they can be…it’s so inspiring!” -Dr. Rigolosi